I tried for weeks to get hold of the official version of this, and the closest I got was grabbing two of the clean tracks off someone on a message board. You can't buy it in the UK online, you can't get it on iTunes, there's no-one who has it on discogs for sale (last time I looked) and to be perfectly honest the "official" promo one is only nine tracks long... no "Bring The Ruckus", no "Wu-Tang 7th Chamber" or remix, and it sounds pretty bad (sword sound effects).
So, I decided to do my own. Which I think sounds pretty good, if I do say so myself. Not only does it have nearly the entire album (apart from the "torture" skit), the skits are also broken up into individual tracks so you can skip them if necessary. The only two bits that might be a bit full-on for younger ears are the "Where's My Killer Tape?" skit ("Is he dead?" "He layin there like a new born baby....") and the skit directly before "Tearz". Otherwise, this is pretty clean - subject matter is generally not too bad, very old-school martial arts based rather than straight up murder / gangster style rhyming (I was surprised to hear how little there was that was genuinely bad-ass - in fact, a lot of it is old school style rhyming about skills).
Anyway - here you go: tracklist after the link. Enjoy!
Enter The Wu-Tang: 36 Chambers (Full Clean Version)
1. Bring Da Ruckus
2. Shame On A Nuh
3. Killa Bees Interlude
4. Clan In Da Front
5. Where My Killer Tape? (skit)
6. Wu-Tang: 7th Chamber
7. Can It All Be So Simple Skit
8. Can It All Be So Simple
9. Protect Ya Neck
10. Intermission
11. Da Mystery Of Chessboxin
12. Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nuttin Ta F' With
13. C.R.E.A.M.
14. Method Man
15. Tearz
16. Wu-Tang: 7th Chamber Part II
17. Method Man Remix
18. Conclusion